@extends('backend.layouts.app') @section('title') {{ 'Form Bootstrap datepicker | '.env('APP_NAME') }} @endsection @section('breadcrumbs') @include('backend.layouts.partials.breadcrumbs',['current' => 'Form Bootstrap datepicker']) @endsection @push('before-css') @endpush @section('content')

Default Datedpicker

just add class .mydatepicker to create it.

Autoclose Datedpicker

just add class .complex-colorpicker to create it.

Default Datedpicker click on icon

just add class .date to create it.

Date Range picker

just add id #date-range to create it.

Datepicker Inline

You also can set the datepicker to be inline and flat.
@endsection @push('js') @endpush